Monday, April 28, 2008

We have all the time in the world...

So Atlanta has just stricken another blow against the tyranny of Boston sports douchiosity by evening their series with the Celtics. Sic Semper Douchianis! But that's not what this post or blog are about. This blog is about idiots like Mike Fratello.

With 4.3 seconds left, Celtics trailing by three, and the Hawks have the basketball. Neither team has any timeouts and Mike Fratello drops this nugget of wisdom on us (and I paraphrase):

Four and a half seconds remaining. Plenty of time here. No more timeouts left for either team.


This is why Erik Spoelstra is coaching the Miami Heat today and Mike Fratello is calling the Boston-Atlanta series on TNT. Those who can, coach. Those who can't, color commentate.

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